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On April 23, 2020, Hair Cuttery (corporate names Creative Hairdressers, Inc. and Ratner Companies) filed Chapter 11 bankruptcies. CHI has over 800 salons nationwide, with over 10,000 employees. Last year, even though it had over $440,000,000 in revenues, CHI was having difficulties (such as being in covenant (nonpayment) default with it primary secured lender). So,...

In the new reality where we find ourselves, many people have reviewed their contracts to see if there is a “force majeure” clause that will excuse performance until life returns to normal. What if your contract doesn’t have that clause? The next step is to rely on the doctrine of “impossibility of performance.” This is...

Force Majeure – sounds powerful, sounds foreign. Many businesspeople aren’t familiar with this lawyerly term. Should you shrug your shoulders and move forward or pay attention? People often ask me about boiler plate clauses in contracts. They ask—are they necessary? (sometimes). Are they just there so an attorney can make more money? (despite public opinion,...

Most people think the term “attorney’s fee clause” or provision just applies to attorneys. Nothing could be further from the truth. The correct way to think about the attorney’s fee clause or provision is in the context of any contract you might have written for yourself or your business. Any legal dispute you have with...

I was recently talking to a client.  I said I was going to start blogging and wanted to know if there any topics he thought would be interesting.  I assumed he would want to know about some fascinating aspect of the law, such as confidentiality agreements.  What he said is that what he is currently...

Imagine sitting having drinks with someone you’re thinking of doing business with… you’re having a great time, thinking you’ve got a great connection with this person, the ideas are flowing back and forth, you have a similar approach to business and it’s clear there’s the potential for the business relationship to be productive. How do...

Luke Sampson, an attorney at Bovarnick & Associates, is a dedicated VIP volunteer and friend. In his private practice Luke handles small to mid-sized business and general corporate litigation and business bankruptcy. Since taking his first volunteer case in 2013, Luke has assisted five VIP clients in both homeownership and divorce matters. Luke has also...

Dr. Richard Alley asked the audience to think back to last January. “You may remember the polar vortex. It was cold here.” But at that time, the rest of the world was dealing with milder-than normal temperatures. “But we happened to be in a cold spot.” Skeptics pointed to those milder temperatures and repeated their...